D. profound tale. Popular Conversations. 1 Answer/Comment. Updated 25 days ago|12/23/2022 12:58:15 AM. 7421|wiwit. B. true. 7421|wiwit. B. The web page also shows other questions and answers related to literature and writing. weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed; Signup; Log In;. Score 1 User: Decide characters in novels tend to Weegy: The side characters in novels tend to only appear in a few episodes. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: Equilibrium is defined as: a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: Equilibrium is defined as: a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. B. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. two consecutive crests. Score 1. Nicolaus Copernicus, real name Mikołaj Kopernik, was born on 19 February 1473 CE in Toruń, Poland (then part of Prussia). Weegy: A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. Weegy: A novel is defined as a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with. |Score . Score 1. 7421. Fortunately, readers have a variety of choices when it comes to choosing a multicultural literature-based novel. Expert Answered. Deleted by Jerrald@22 [8/2/2023 8:36:59 PM] Jerrald@22. thick book. Thick book D. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Weegy: A battery consists of five dry cells connected in series. Expert answered|Score 1|Wallet. D. 38,404,368. There are no new answers. Historical Fiction is set in a real place, during a culturally recognizable time. profound tale. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. |Score 1|kikoman|Points 0| User: The purpose of the expedition Buck takes with. B. e. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Question. User: if an author wanted to write a book that showed the humor and the tragedy of life in the distant country he or she would most likely write a/an Weegy: If an author wanted to write a book that showed the humor and the tragedy of life in a distant country, he or she would most likely write a. B. long story. Log in for more information. Weegy: Bernice cuts Marjorie's braids during the Epiphany of "Bernice Bobs Her Hair". Rating. Log in for more information. Weegy: A "femme fatale" is archetype character. A novel is defined as a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. the crest and the following trough. how long the story is going to be. User: a novel is defined as Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. The human condition is defined as the positive or negative aspects of being human, such as birth, growth, reproduction, love, and death. A novel is defined as a. thick book. 5 kilograms. Weegy: The use of first, second, or third person is known as an author's narrative point of view. Updated 44 days ago|12/19/2022 2:30:07 AM. Novel definition: . C. long story. He learns he has to obey men, but decides never to surrender inside. User: A novel is defined as a A. Weegy: Fluorescent lamps operate at a higher temperature than incandescent lamps. Expert answered|Score . Allusion (pronounced ah-LOO-zhun) is basically a reference to something else . Added 3/1/2017 11:01:52 PMUser: A novel is defined as a A. B. Weegy: John Thornton died because He was killed by Native Americans. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Weegy: A person with a mass of 15 kg is walking on a flat surface at a velocity of 5 m/s. mystery book. Score 1 User: The purpose of the expedition Vick takes with Thornton and his partners is to. 7/2/2023 7:45:11 PM| 7 Answers. Weegy: A metaphor is a literary figure of speech that describes a subject by asserting that it is, on some point of comparison, the same as another otherwise unrelated object. The events that take place in a story make up the story's A. long story. Here is Poe's precise definition. genre. A novel is defined as a long work of fiction, typically with a complex plot and multiple characters. • D. User: a novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. profound tale. Weegy: A novel is defined as a long story. Log in for more information. Weegy: Driving is the controlled operation and movement of a vehicle, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses, and. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. Score . Updated 19 days ago|12/19/2022 2:30:07 AM. Answers. A Dark and Stormy Night: A Detective Harrison Mystery Weegy: Around the World on Foot: The Autobiography of a Traveler would most likely be written in first person. long story. User: a novel is defined as Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Log in for more information. C. Bernard and Scotch. Weegy: An item that stands for more in a story than it usually does elsewhere is an example of SYMBOLISM. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. mystery book. In the example above, the "f" sound is what matters, not the different letters (such as "ph") used to produce. C. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: Equilibrium is defined as: a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. 7 ). Weegy: A solar eclipse (as seen from the planet Earth) is a type of eclipse that occurs when the Moon passes between. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. • D. Novels can vary in length, but they are longer forms of fiction than novellas. Most book lovers agree that Historical Fiction is the closest we’ll get to actual time travel. His father was a successful merchant but after his death c. Which statement about a novel's three major types of conflict is accurate? A. weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed; Signup; Log In;. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. mystery book. A novel is a long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, published as a book. *last name and degree/titles. novel: [adjective] new and not resembling something formerly known or used. Expert answered|Score 1|kikoman|Points 0| User: The use of first, second, or third person is known as an author's? Weegy: The use of first, second, or third person is known as an author's narrative point of view. |Score 1|kikoman. A novel is defined as a A. This answer has been added to the Weegy Knowledgebase. Log in for more information. B. A novel is defined as a long story. Question. It is often considered to be his masterpiece and is the most widely read of all his publications. For example, telling a heartbroken friend that there are " Plenty of fish in the sea " is such a cliché that it would probably not be all that comforting for them to hear, even though the saying is meant to be a. A novel is defined as a. Person against person is the most common conflict. Comments There are no comments. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Question. A novel is defined as a: fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. User: The Novel: A novel is defined as Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. User: which statement about a novel's 3 major types of conflict is accurate Weegy: All three can be present in the same novel - is accurate about a novel's three major types of conflict. As a literary device, epiphany (pronounced ih- pif -- uh -nee) is the moment when a character is suddenly struck with a life-changing realization which changes the rest of the story. Although, like with. Log in for more information. Weegy: A comparative adverb is a specific kind of adverb that compares or contrasts two things. The resistance of the device is 27 ohms. Log in for more information. D. Updated 31 days ago|12/23/2022 12:58:15 AM. yumdrea. 1 Answer/Comment. Death is more permanent than. D. mystery book. Weegy: A novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that tells a story about specific human experiences over a considerable length. 9022 User: blank verse is always Weegy: Blank verse is poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. 10/26/2023 12:11:02 AM| 4 Answers. Updated 11/26/2020 8:19:55 PM. new and strange. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. sujaysen. Log in for more information. Score 1 User: Decide characters in novels tend to Weegy: The side characters in novels tend to only appear in a few episodes. Novels have a long, rich history, shaped by formal standards,. Significantly, Watzelrode later became bishop of Warmia, and the young Nicolaus. Person 1: “I think we should legalize marijuana. To do that, you must know the population in that state. Question. grammar choice. B. Score 1. A novel is defined as a A. A novel is defined as a long work of fiction, typically with a complex plot and multiple characters. Expert answered|Score 1. Weegy: When reading an allegory, it's important to watch for things, events, and characters that act as symbols. Weegy: An author's purpose in using. Log in for more information. Dramas are typically called plays, and their creators are known as “playwrights” or “dramatists. |Score 1|kikoman|Points 0|. Log in for more information. A novel is a type of literary work that tells a fictional story. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. |Score 1|kikoman. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. A novel is defined as a long story. A novel is defined as a A. long story. Question. Weegy: You're placing an extension ladder against a wall that's 32 feet high. D. |Score 1|kikoman|Points 0| User: This side characters in novels tend to Weegy: The side characters in novels tend to only appear in a few episodes. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: Equilibrium is defined as a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. mystery book. Expert answered|emdjay23|Points 266712|. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. thick book. thick book. Asked 70 days ago|12/18/2022 8:44:41 PM. Score 1 User: How did John Thornton die? User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. • D. by alluding to a Bible story or Greek myth). |Score 1|kikoman. Weegy: A novel is defined as a long story. |Score 1|MrG|Points 45056| User: Second person stories tend to make the reader a/an A. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. B. D. Score 1 User: The purpose of the expedition Vick takes with Thornton and his partners is toA novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Weegy: 3 * 39 = 117 4 * 15 = 60 2 * 27 = 54 117 + 60 + 54 = 231 Gina decided to order some clothes from a catalogue. Updated 2/12/2019 5:12:11 PM. 1 Answer/Comment. The term ‘science fiction’ was. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: Deciding on the narrative point of view means that an author must choose who is telling the story. Weegy: In Florida, after three months, a driver with a learner's permit may drive until 10 p. A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. Score 1. D. New answers. " Fiction is literature in the form of prose that. a novel is defined as a. Score 1 Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. ˈnovelty – plural ˈnovelties – noun. Author's purpose is the author's reason or motivation for writing a specific text. Question. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful by yumdrea on Weegy. thick book. Works of literary realism shun flowery language, exotic settings and characters, and epic stories of love and heroism. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. User: Deciding on the narrative point of view. User: which of the following is an example of alliteration Weegy: Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables of an English language phrase. Death comes sooner than expected. Weegy: A universal truth is one that readers recognize as timeless and. Question and answer. Question. A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. Question. |Score 1|kikoman. Score 1. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. GET THE APP. plot. "A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally written in prose form, and which is typically published as a book. 2 Answers/Comments. |Score 1|Masamune|Points 92705| User:. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Score 1. Question. Weegy: It typically has multiple themes that are explored more deeply, is a accurate statement about a novel. User: Novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. User: a novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. 5 (More) QuestionA novel is defined as a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. 2 Answers/Comments. Weegy: Depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities may be established by:. 8. Log in for more information. Weegy: Rising action, climax, and falling action -are all part of plot. 5 m/s2 = 128. Weegy is a question and answer site where users can ask and answer questions about various topics. Weegy: If a novel includes clues and detectives, it's most likely a mystery. Question Asked 7/25/2021 4:23:23 AM Updated 7/25/2021 5:14:42 AM 0 Answers/Comments This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. D. Log in for more information. Question|Asked by taeshamur17. Log in for more information. Weegy: An event in a story that's exactly the reverse of what was expected is. A novel is defined as a: fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. Log in for more information. This is variably defined as less than 60 or 50 beats per minute depending on the source or study. Weegy: The use of first, second, or third person is known as an author's narrative point of view. Question. where the main character is from. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Death is unavoidable. Score 1. If there is no publication year for the source, what should be. thick book. A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. Weegy: As a general rule, really great novels contain universal truths. Weegy: Generally speaking, formal. ro|Points 144246| Log in for more information. g. Weegy: Foreshadowing is an advance sign or warning of what is to come in the future. " This statement is an example of Foreshadowing. A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. C. D. Define the bolded word: The detective novel was hard to follow because of the (complexities) in the plot. D. Score 1 User: how did jogn thornton die. |Score 1|kikoman|Points 0| User: This side characters in novels tend to Weegy: The side characters in novels tend to only appear in a few episodes. long story. D. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. D. long story. A novel is defined as a: fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. B. D. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. User: Novel is defined as a Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. 0 Answers/Comments. |Score 1|kikoman|Points 0| User: The Novel: What does Buck often dream of as he sleeps by the campfire? Weegy: Buck often dream of Primitive man as he sleeps by the campfire. personal preference. long story. |Score 1|jeifunk|Points 93064| User: on page 14 of the call of the wild, jack london writes, Log in for more information. setting. Question. B. profound tale. narrative point of view. A character analysis typically examines the conflicts a character faces and. narrative point of view. User: The use of first, second, or third person is known as an author's • A. Added 3/15/2018 9:49:50 AM. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: Equilibrium is defined as: a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Log in for more information. User: A novel is defined as a A. Novels are longer than short stories and novellas, with the greater length allowing authors to expand upon the same basic components of all fictional literature—character, conflict, plot, and setting, to name a few. ”. 0 Answers/Comments. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. B. 1. C. |Score 1|kikoman|Points 0| Log in for more information. Score 1. The base of the ladder should be 8 feet from the bottom of the wall. It is a form of narrative prose that originated in the 17th century and has since become one of the most popular and influential forms of literature. Expert answered|Score 1| kikoman |Points 0| Log in for more information. Weegy: Unified Command:. Death is unavoidable. C. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful by yumdrea on. Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. In summary, a novel is a fictional work that tells a longer and more complex story than a short story or novella. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. 7421|wiwit. Updated 7/7/2022 1:45:49 PM. A novel is defined as a long written story about imaginary people and events. |Score 1| kikoman |Points 0|. Question. Added 11/26/2019 1:31:13 PM A novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that tells a story about specific human experiences over a considerable length. Death is more permanent than. Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. 5 V, the total voltage developed by the battery is 7. Question. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Log in for more information. Weegy: A novel is a narrative work of prose fiction that tells a story about specific human experiences over a considerable length. Question. Asked 10/15/2022 1:08:54 PM. Score 1 User: Type of pronouns are most likely to be used in second person writing Weegy: You , yours are most likely to be used in second person writing. C. A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book. Log in for more information. Updated 8/22/2022 6:15:20 PM. Score 1. A novel is defined as a O A. C. Log in for more information. User: A novel is defined as Weegy: A novel is defined as a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. |Score 1|kikoman. |Score 1|maimai|Points 3580|. GET. 1 Answer/Comment. B. Expert answered|Score 1. B. A novel is defined as a. |Score 1|kikoman|Points 0|. Weegy: All of the following elements produce magnetic fields except for copper. User: A novel is defined as a Weegy: Equilibrium is defined as a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces. |Score 1|kikoman. Weegy: A "femme fatale" is archetype character. Weegy: A "femme fatale" is archetype character. 0 Answers/Comments. D. Novel, an invented prose narrative of considerable length and a certain complexity that deals imaginatively with human experience, usually through a connected. Weegy: The two elements that make up a story's setting are time and place. 0 Answers/Comments. |Score 1|kikoman. Weegy: A novel is defined as a relatively long work of narrative fiction, normally in prose, which is typically published as a book.